I am very much a summer person, and living in Norway it is sometimes challenging to accept that our summer lasts only about four months. I also find that my taste in music in summer is maybe a little lighter than the rest of the year. Summer music might be old 70s disco, light pop and stuff that is just commercial, makes for a fun listening experience, and make me forget that the lyrics often are of the silly “shoo-bi-doo, la-la-la” variety. It is just something in the background, and we can all just hum along (or dance!)

Slowly easing ourselves into autumn, my taste in music veers towards stuff that might be enjoyed inside, with candles lit or maybe a fire in the fireplace. Not that it isn’t commercial or danceable, it is just that when the days get darker, my musical needs seem to change.

So you are hereby warned – my next posts will probably be mostly about music that will have some kind of autumnal touch to it….